Circle Vs Square—What Does Psychology Say?

After many years of research, the psychology of shapes is well-established. Shapes have meaning and influence the human brain. When our minds perceive shapes, we make strong associations based on what we see.

Square Stickers & Rectangular Stickers

"Don't be a square." Great advice unless you want to give people the impression of safety and reliability—then definitely be a square. Over 70% of Fortune's 50 most admired companies have a rectangular or square logo. Banking and media organizations like American Express and the BBC use squares to support a message of professionalism and trust. We recommend square stickers or rectangular stickers if you want to give the viewer of your sticker a sense of stability about you and your business. Squares can also represent strength, order and consistency.

Custom Round Stickers

Circles represent unity and, without the angles, circle stickers have a softer feel. This shape has the most positive connotations and sends a welcoming message, so it works well for retail brands like Target and Starbucks. If you want to associate your business with harmony and interconnectedness, consider custom round stickers. Many organizations use circular shapes to show care and friendliness in their brand, but circles can also represent Earth, femininity and eternity. You can create whatever aesthetic you desire with custom circle stickers.

What About Triangle Sticker Shapes?

What About Triangle Sticker Shapes? Triangles are powerful and dynamic shapes representing balance and showing direction and motion, making them ideal for sportswear companies like Reebok and Adidas. Delta Airlines and Mitsubishi Motors also have triangle logos that align well with the transportation industry. Triangles grab attention which is why they are often used in safety messages. Catch the attention of your target market with triangle sticker shapes.